Guilt & the need for self-care.

Guilt & the need for self-care.

In recent years, the idea of self-care has really gained prominence. It may be due to the pandemic and people needing some way to manage being cooped up inside their houses for months, or maybe the general pace of society has forced people to put a focus on wellness and well-being. Regardless, self-care has emerged as an essential practice for maintaining our peace of mind and well-being.

The concept and idea behind self-care has been around for many years, especially within the counselling and psychology sphere, but it sort of manifested in the general public as something associated with alternative lifestyles.

What self-care really is about is having a holistic approach to nurturing your emotional, physical, and mental health. It’s about finding the time and means to build a healthy relationship with yourself. Generally, self-care promotes and requires self-awareness, resilience and personal growth. When utilised properly, it can help you to tackle life’s challenges and get you through relatively intact, and safe from harm.

While self-care is something that could benefit everyone, people in the care professions and people who have a disposition to helping others can really benefit as they tend to shoulder other people’s burdens. This can create a lot of negative emotions and thought processes that aren’t healthy, and in the long run, can really drag them down into despondency, or psychological and emotional ruin.

For many people practicing some form of self-care, you may have run into situations where you start to feel some amount of guilt for taking the time to care for yourself. You might be thinking that there are people out there who aren’t able to care for themselves and this brings about a certain degree of guilt that you have the means to do so.

At the end of the day, you have to take care of yourself and deal with these feelings of guilt and possibly your own self-worth. If you are not able to care for yourself, you may end up becoming an emotional burden on the people who need you. It’s probably a good idea to take a deep look at yourself and give yourself permission to take care of your own needs. While it may initially sound silly to give yourself permission, it’s a simple act of self-affirmation and acknowledgement of your need and right to have a balanced and healthy life.

Viewing self-care as a proactive investment in your long-term physical, emotional, and mental health can empower you to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Join us at College of Allied Educators to learn more about yourself, what motivates you, and how you can find happiness, meaning, and success in work, love, and life.

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