Creating Effective ChatGPT Prompts


Creating Effective ChatGPT Prompts is a 1-day (8 hrs) course for professionals, content creators, writers, marketers and practically anyone that is interested in leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT. It aims to impart the knowledge necessary to ensure that the responses from ChatGPT are precise and useful.

The course will enable participants to generate outputs that better match your needs or preferences, reducing bias and errors, accessing relevant and understandable information and producing more original, diverse, and interesting content, which in the process leverage ChatGPT’s full potential.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Gain a better understanding of what a prompt is, its components and how they influence ChatGPT responses
  • Learn and apply best practices in feeding ChatGPT the right prompt to generate more appropriate replies
  • Refine prompts for better clarity and efficiency
  • Create effective prompts that apply to specific industries
  • Apply advanced prompt techniques like prompt chaining, personalization, and role-playing for more complex tasks
  • Develop a personal prompt toolkit

Course duration

Training days: 1 day
Total training duration: 8 hours

  • 1 hour (Assessment)
  • 7 hours (Training)

Course Fee

Course Fee: $500
GST 9%: $45.00
Total Payable after GST: $545.00

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