Is play helpful for children?

Is play helpful for children?

Some people believe that letting children play is unproductive, and that it wastes their potential to learn other more important things. Play is often used as a reward for doing something approved by parents and also to be taken away as a punishment. However, play can be so much more than that.

Here’s why you should let children play and why you should consider play as part of a powerful toolkit for the full development of children.

  • Play allows children to learn how to develop a better sense of their abilities and gives them more confidence.
  • Play allows children to develop creative problem solving abilities.
  • Play allows children to learn about empathy and respect for feelings of others by giving them space to get in touch with their own thoughts and feelings.
  • Play will give children a new avenue to learn how to express their thoughts and emotions.
  • Play helps to teach children how to be responsible for their actions

It is for these reasons and more that play is used as a powerful tool for the full development of children in Play Therapy. It is also applicable to children with special learning, and can be beneficial for children dealing with trauma.

The therapeutic process involved with Play Therapy is different from normal play.

Play Therapy is a structured method developed and guided by counsellors that build upon the natural way children learn about the world and their relationship to it (Axline, 1947; Carmichael, 2006; Landreth, 2002).

College of Allied Educators offers a Postgraduate Certificate in Therapeutic Play Skills and leads to the Postgraduate Diploma in Play Therapy. Awarded by the Academy of Play and Child Psychotherapy, UK, (APAC), these programmes will allow students to further explore ways of integrating the child as the centre of a social system, which includes schools, families and a team of support. They will also introduce you to developmental practices, types of play therapy, legal frameworks, assessment, protection procedures and therapeutic interventions.


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