1: Register for one of College of Allied Educator’s courses
- Call our programme managers at 6533 0031 for details
- Submit application for approval
- Upon approval of course, proceed to make your claim via https://www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg/content/portal/en/index.html
2: Claim (SkillsFuture Credit)
- On https://www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg/content/portal/en/index.html, login with your SingPass ID/password and 2-step verification.
- Click on “Digital Services” from the top menu and click on “Claim SkillsFuture Credits“.
- Click on “Proceed to submit a claim“
- You will be directed to the “Claim Submission” page.
- Enter Training Provider name “College of Allied Educators” and perform a “Search“
- Click on the Course NAME and click the blue arrow to complete.
- Enter the course run date when prompted.
*Before submitting a claim, you should register for a programme. You can submit a claim as early as 60 days before the course start date.
5. Fill in the amount under “Fee Payable By You” and “Amount Of Credit To Claim”.
“Amount Of Credit To Claim” is the amount of credits you wish to utilise.
NOTE: “Fee Payable by You (Including GST)” should reflect the full course fee, before any discount and/or subsidy.
– Course (full fee) is $500.00 (including GST).
– Course (fee after subsidy e.g. National Silver Academy subsidy) is $300.00.
– In the “Fee Payable by You (Including GST)”, you will need to indicate $500.00, not $300.00.
6. Upload invoice from College of Allied Educators and on the next screen, check the box “I have read and agreed to the SkillsFuture Credit Terms & Conditions” and click ‘Submit’.
* Please print screen the claims submission acknowledgement page and email it to CAE’s programme managers.
3: Payment
- If approved, you need to ensure that your remaining payment has been made to College of Allied Educators.
For more information on Skills Future, click here: https://www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg/