It’s easy to misidentify special needs and learning difficulties!

It’s easy to misidentify special needs and learning difficulties!

As parents and educators, we often do our homework on the various disabilities of special needs students. With the best of intentions, we sometimes make personal assessments of our children and students that look correct, but in some circumstances, these impromptu assessments end up incorrect a great deal of time.

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3 Adaptive living skills for Special Needs students

3 Adaptive living skills for Special Needs students

Proper life skills instructions are immeasurably important for students with disabilities. The knowledge and skill interactions believed to be essential for adult independent living should be met at an early age for Special Needs students. These students require the proper education and support to learn these necessary behaviours. Read more

Help your special needs child enjoy the holiday!

Help your special needs child enjoy the holiday!

The holidays may be a very rough, chaotic time for children with special needs. There are a lot of non-routine activities happening all around them all at once, with familiar and unfamiliar friends and families showing up. For many children with special needs, this can be excess stimuli. Read more