Can Play Therapy help children?

Can Play Therapy help children?

If you have ever tried to help loved ones experiencing prolonged, acute stress or someone trying to deal with a past traumatic experience, you may have noticed and realised that talking to them doesn’t seem to yield much success. These issues can so deeply affect people that verbalising them may be so difficult that it no longer becomes an option.

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Is Play Therapy appropriate for a very young child?

Is Play Therapy appropriate for a very young child?

A common concern among parents and care takers of young children is that their child may need help in some way. Maybe it is due to a significant trauma experienced by the child, looming family crisis, or other stressors that have overwhelmed the child. Considering counselling and therapy for the child is always a big consideration; one that is often fraught with fear, and possibly even shame. Read more

What types of issues are dealt with in Play Therapy?

What types of issues are dealt with in Play Therapy?

Play therapy is a form of psychotherapy and counselling that allows children experiencing loss, trauma, emotional, or behavioural issues to open up their emotions in a safe space. This safe, play space is where they are allowed to face their thoughts and emotions nonverbally through play. It can help ameliorate effects of the child’s deeper emotional issues, and helps them to deal with stress and anxiety.

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How does Play Therapy help with childhood trauma?

How does Play Therapy help with childhood trauma?

If you have ever tried to help loved ones experiencing prolonged, acute stress or someone trying to deal with a past traumatic experience, you may have noticed and realised that talking to them doesn’t seem to yield much success. These issues can so deeply affect people that verbalising them may be so difficult that it no longer becomes an option. Read more

Will Play Therapy help my child?

Will Play Therapy help my child?

Play Therapy is a form of psychotherapy and counselling that uses play in a non-directed method to allow the Child to lead therapy sessions. This process reveals and reflect the child’s behaviour back in such a way that the child can confront their own behaviour, giving the therapist a powerful diagnostic tool to determine the cause for any issues. Read more

Does it mean anything for a child to play with sand?

Does it mean anything for a child to play with sand?

We don’t often attribute meaning to how children play or even what they decide to play with. They seem to always have their preference for the things that they do. Especially at a younger age, they may not even be able to tell us why specifically they do certain things. Especially in early childhood trauma cases, the child may indeed not talk much at all and instead opt to do their thing in silence. Read more

Play Therapy is more than fun and games

Play Therapy is more than fun and games

Some people may think that Play Therapy is just children playing with toys and having fun, but it’s important to note that play is a form of communication and used for learning. Even young animals like lion cubs engage in play to learn the skills they need to function properly when they mature. As adults, we can sometimes forget how important and effective play is in the learning process. Read more