What counselling myths have you heard?

What counselling myths have you heard?

Counselling is a profession and field that suffers from quite a bit of misconceptions. Even with the advent of the internet and readily available information, the myths surrounding counselling are still there, perpetuated, and believed. What are some counselling myths and is there any truth to any of them?

Myth #1: Counselling is only for big issues
Counselling is not restricted to just big issues. The majority of people who go for counselling are people looking for personal growth and development and may not actually be dealing with major problems. Counselling may even help prevent any issues from growing into larger ones.

Myth #2: People may judge me if they know I am seeing a counsellor
An important part of a counsellor’s job is to respect your privacy. Your confidentiality is assured and can only be requested with a court order in the most extreme circumstances. Without this level of trust, the counsellor will not be able to create an environment conducive to the sharing and development process.

Myth #3: Counsellors have all the answers to a person’s problems
Counsellors understand that every person and their situation is unique and requires different approaches. The approach used by the Counsellor will be tailored for each individual to realise their self-development and growth.

Myth #4: Going to see a counsellor is a sign of weakness
Many people in society still see counselling as something for people who are too weak to get over their own problems. This stigma still persists in this day and age. The reality is that it takes courage and strength to admit you may need some help and to seek it out. Too many people ignore their issues and hand-wave it away until their issues pile up and become systemic and difficult to resolve.

Myth #5: Counselling is only for people with problems
The reality is you don’t even need to have any particular problem to go for counselling. Counselling is also an avenue to organise your thoughts and feelings so you can figure out where you want to be going in life. It’s used for personal self-development, growth and self-discovery.

Maybe you’ve heard of these myths and even believe some of them. For some of you, there’s even a good chance you see counselling as an avenue for very human, and personal discoveries on your own path to happiness and enlightenment.

Join us at College of Allied Educators to learn more about yourself, what motivates you, and how you can find happiness, meaning, and success in work, love, and life.

    Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology (PGDICP) is a counselling psychology course accredited by the Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC). The part-time Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology programme focuses on developing and enhancing experiential knowledge and skills through a holistic approach. Some of the subjects covered include Counselling Children, Addiction Intervention, Crisis Intervention, and Family Therapy.
    Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology (ADICP) trains students to apply appropriate counselling skills in different situations while understanding their underlying theories. The ADICP programme introduces students to the nature of psychology and relates it to the theories and concepts of counselling. Students move on to explore themselves in order to promote personal growth and self-awareness, acquiring the key attributes of a competent counsellor and the proper methods of applying those skills.
    Diploma in Counselling Psychology (DCPSY) is a counselling course covering a range of conceptual and functional skills in counselling. It trains students to apply appropriate counselling psychology skills in different situations, and equips students with the ability to work effectively as a counsellor.


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