What do I do if my child has dyslexia?

What do I do if my child has dyslexia?

Dyslexia is one of the most commonly talked about learning disorder, but there is still a lot of misunderstanding about exactly what it is and what it means for the child. Parents also worry over what to do about it, and whether their child can be helped.

Dyslexia is often known as a reading disability; but it’s not quite that simple. Dyslexia often involves the child having difficulties identifying speech sounds and their relationship to letters and words. This inability to properly decode sounds and words can make it difficult for a child to read properly.

It doesn’t mean they can’t learn to read or that they can’t read at all. It just means they have difficulties in reading at a steady pace; and this can often cause confusion and difficulty in understanding what is being read.

Here are some things to take note of:

  • Dyslexia can vary from mild to extreme and can affect spoken, and written language comprehension. So two dyslexic students may require different levels of assistance and attention.
  • There is no relationship between IQ, success and dyslexia. In fact, not only can dyslexic people be incredibly smart, but many have become incredibly successful. Examples include scientists like Albert Einstein, entertainers like John Lennon, authors like Anne Rice, and many more.
  • Dyslexic individuals can sometimes be gifted in other areas such as puzzle and problem solving, and may even have a larger spoken vocabularly than is typical for their age.
  • A dyslexic child may be able to read but due to difficulties in breaking down unfamiliar words into component sound and letter segments, they are slower at reading and may face higher error rates reading these words.

If you suspect that your child has difficulties in reading and comprehension, there is no need to panic. Children develop at different rates and they may be quicker in some areas or slower in another when compared with their peers. It could very well just be a natural and normal part of their development.

If you are really worried and the child is showing difficulties consistently, it is best to have them properly assessed and diagnosed by a professional; who will be able to also recommend the best course of action to be taken. Self-diagnosing, and guessing will only cause more anxiety than is necessary.

Find out how you can learn more about Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and other common learning disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorders.

College of Allied Educators offers our Diploma in Learning Disorders Management & Child Psychology programme. This part-time programme is designed specifically to train potential teachers, parents and caregivers to identify, detect and support children with special needs, such as Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyspraxia, and Dyslexia.


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