How prevalent is dyscalculia?

How prevalent is dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is often overshadowed by Dyslexia. As a result, not many people have heard of it, nor really know what it is.

Dyscalculia is sometimes referred to as the math disorder. It’s a condition where those affected have severe difficulties in making arithmetic calculations. While Dyslexia tends to affect more boys than girls, Dyscalculia seems to affect boys and girls equally.

Young students with Dyscalculia may have difficulties reading numbers and understanding its connection to quantity. They may have difficulties performing basic addition and subtraction and the condition may persist into their teen years.

  • Children may have difficulty recognising numbers and may show delays in their ability to count. They may even count backwards, which is how it is often recognised as dyslexia.
  • Children may require aids to count. They may be unable to deal with numbers and calculations mentally, and overly rely on finger counting to compensate.
  • Symptoms might not have anything to do with actual numbers. Children with dyscalculia may have problems recognising patterns and may have difficulties with puzzles and other pattern-based activity and play.

Dyscalculia affects up to 7% of all students

Dyscalculia affects up to 7% of all students and is more difficult to diagnose than Dyslexia because it tends to exist alongside other conditions like ADHD, and treating these other conditions can sometimes diminish the effects of Dyscalculia.

Join us at College of Allied Educators to see how you can develop an understanding of the different types of exceptional children, their needs, and the different special needs programmes and specialties that are available to you, for them.

CAE’s 12-months Advanced Diploma in Special Education course trains educators and parents in the identification, diagnosis and treatment of these needs and the basic principles and practices of effective teaching and learning. The programme is highly practice-oriented to ensure that what you learn in class can be applied to children with special needs under your charge.


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