Forgiveness can affect your emotional health

Forgiveness can affect your emotional health

Emotional health and well-being come from regular work, and effort spent making healthy choices and engaging in healthy activities. Like physical health where you choose diet and exercise to care for your body, you have to make conscious decisions to be emotionally healthier, less negative, and from that, filled with less pain. One thing that people who are emotionally healthy often do is to forgive others who have done them wrong in some way.

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Is there a secret to finding happy relationships?

Is there a secret to finding happy relationships?

Finding a person you love and want to spend the rest of your life with is difficult. Even when you find that person, love can still be tough work. There are some things you can do to help ensure that the relationship will be happy, healthy and successful.

Deciding who to connect with
Picking the right person is critical, obviously, and that alone can tell a lot about the future of the relationship. It also tells a lot about who you are as well. Look for someone with whom you have things in common. Passion and intensity can remain forever in a relationship, but the true test is having someone that you like being with that has similar values, beliefs, and goals.

Someone that you can connect with
This is another one that may seem obvious but finding someone that excites you will go a long way towards having a long and happy relationship. Passion, intensity, excitement, intimacy, these are parts of the relationship that, while sometimes embarrassing to talk about, are things that are desired by almost everyone. If the person you are interested in have these two main factors, passion and common interests, then that is a good start to a strong and healthy relationship.

Communications, an important and open secret
Direct face-to-face communication is a critical aspect in any relationship, be it a temporary one, or the person you want to stay with forever. You need to communicate openly, honestly, and directly with that other person. Trust will be hard at times, but opening up and telling them when things are good for you, what you want to do more of, or conversely what you do not like, and what you want to stop, will strengthen the relationship, and increase the trust between the two of you.

Happy relationships start from the very beginning, with who you are interested in. Picking the right person to share things with, and have a lot in common with, will be one key feature; being attracted to them will be the other. Finally, you must learn to communicate directly with each other. Being open and honest will help create the stable, happy, healthy relationship you are looking for.

The important secret to finding a happy relationship is in first understanding who you are as a person before you can understand what you are looking for.

Join us at College of Allied Educators to learn more about your deepest emotions and discover how you can overcome your fears and challenges in building a happier life for yourself and for your loved ones.

Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology (ADICP) trains students to apply appropriate counselling skills in different situations while understanding their underlying theories. The ADICP programme introduces students to the nature of psychology and relates it to the theories and concepts of counselling. Students move on to explore themselves in order to promote personal growth and self-awareness, acquiring the key attributes of a competent counsellor and the proper methods of applying those skills.


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Are you able to appreciate yourself?

Are you able to appreciate yourself?

Relationships often go on autopilot after a while. Honeymoon phases end and a certain routine sets in. It is quite normal, but for some it can be the beginning of the end of the relationship. One thing that can help keep a relationship alive and vital is appreciation. By learning how to appreciate your partner, and also yourself, you can keep a happy and healthy relationship going. Read more

Is arguing good for your relationship?

Is arguing good for your relationship?

Couples argue; sometimes they argue very heatedly. It will happen at some point for all relationships. Disagreements, and working through them is a part of being in a committed relationship with someone. The problem comes when the fights do not solve anything, when they get mean, and when they go off topic. Read more

Is there a secret to happiness?

Is there a secret to happiness?

Many of us have great plans for the future, and we are excited for the time we meet those goals, like finishing school, getting married, or simply having a day off together with the family. And then we meet those goals, but the happiness fades quickly. Was this not what we wanted? Did we have the wrong goal? Read more

Happiness as forgiveness

Happiness as forgiveness

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. -Buddha

Some who have sought out the secret to happiness believe that maybe there is no secret. It could be a conscious set of things we can do each day that will help us feel better, live longer, and be healthier. One of those things that we can do is to learn to forgive one another for the things we do consciously or unconsciously that can cause harm to others. There are many benefits to forgiveness alone, but the simple fact that it will help us be happier is enough to say it is a thing worth doing. Let’s look at some simple ways we can practice forgiveness. Read more

Are we stopping ourselves on our way to happiness?

Are we stopping ourselves on our way to happiness?

There are good days, there are bad days. Connected together they represent our life path and choices made, leading us to our goals. Having obstacles or unfortunate days from time to time does not mean that we are unhappy, but it begs the question – are we stopping ourselves from happiness, and can it be changed? Read more