Are you hiding your authentic self?

Are you hiding your authentic self?

When we talk about the authentic self, we often mean the version of you that is most true to who you are. That includes your core beliefs, feelings, thoughts. Very often, your authentic self can have important influence on your decisions and actions. When you aren’t sure what your authentic self is, or you’re repressing and hiding this version of yourself, it may lead to feelings and actions that don’t align with who you really are or what you really want.

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Are you hopeful for the future?

Are you hopeful for the future?

Uncertainty about the future is a feeling that many people have to deal with. While it can feel like it’s just happening to you, it’s actually a common feeling for most everyone. For many of us, there is some fear and trepidation about what the future holds, and the stakes can feel significant the more responsibility we’re bearing. Even so, there are reasons to be hopeful.

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Guilt & the need for self-care.

Guilt & the need for self-care.

In recent years, the idea of self-care has really gained prominence. It may be due to the pandemic and people needing some way to manage being cooped up inside their houses for months, or maybe the general pace of society has forced people to put a focus on wellness and well-being. Regardless, self-care has emerged as an essential practice for maintaining our peace of mind and well-being.

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Is it easy to spot signs of autism?

Is it easy to spot signs of autism?

It’s not simple or easy to determine if a child has a learning disability. Many otherwise normal behaviours can sometimes be misidentified for being a learning disability. However, parents will actually predict their child’s later autism spectrum disorder long before any professional diagnosis. According to a 2009 research (J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2009 Oct; 30(5): 367–375.),

…Studies indicate that parents recognize signs of autism far earlier than it is diagnosed.

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