Is positive thinking effective?

Is positive thinking effective?

Positive thinking has been something many people have picked up on over the last decades and is still alive and well today. It’s often been touted as a great tool for transformative personal growth when properly utilised, but it’s also had plenty of myths built around it.

People who believe in positive thinking often talk about its impact on a person’s overall mental health and well-being. It would appear that maintaining a relatively positive outlook can help to reduce anxiety, stress and could help stave off depression. Being able to think positively is believed to be a means by which a person is able to build better coping mechanisms when navigating life’s challenges.

Physical health could also be affected by positive thinking. There has been some exploration into the connection between having a positive mindset and having an improved immune function, cardiovascular health, and possibly even longevity.

While positive thinking does appear to have positive benefits, there are others who say that it may oversimplify the complexities of life. This may lead to people getting into situations where they become overly optimistic and could lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointments.

As with anything, finding the right balance can be where the challenge lies. Having some realistic amounts of optimism should be possible and perhaps desired. The goal then may be to maintain a positive outlook while emphasising the importance of having realistic expectations. Realistic optimism encourages people to approach their challenges with a positive mindset while remaining grounded in the realities of their situations.

It would be prudent to say that there is some effective to positive thinking when you are able to balance between optimism and realism. While maintaining a positive mindset can contribute to improved mental and physical well-being, it should not be seen as a care-all for all of your personal and professional challenges.

You still have to sit down, reflect on your issues and your own unique set of characteristics to come up with a plan that will best help you deal with your challenges. Having a positive mindset can help you bring your plan to fruition.

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Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology (PGDICP) is a counselling psychology course recognised by the Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC). The part-time Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology programme focuses on developing and enhancing experiential knowledge and skills through a holistic approach. Some of the subjects covered include Counselling Children, Addiction Intervention, Crisis Intervention, and Family Therapy.  

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Diploma in Counselling Psychology (DCPSY) is a counselling course covering a range of conceptual and functional skills in counselling. It trains students to apply appropriate counselling psychology skills in different situations, and equips students with the ability to work effectively as a counsellor.


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