Shouldn’t it be easy to live a fulfilling life?

Shouldn’t it be easy to live a fulfilling life?

When you think about it, it should be relatively easy to live a fulfilling life; but in practice, it seems to be incredibly difficult.

It always sounds so easy when people talk about living a fulfilling life, but it never really seems to apply to you. That might be because what someone considers fulfilling may not be for you. The path they took to find fulfilment and happiness may not be the answer you’re looking for.

While someone else may find satisfaction and fulfilment in being the next big financial success story, you might desire to understand and help people. Maybe you’ve always been interested in learning about the human condition but went on a different path early in your life and now are not sure how to find your way back to the calling you feel you were meant for.

Even if you are successful in what you’re currently doing in life, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re happy doing it. You can be successful and still be deeply unsatisfied; especially if you are doing something you don’t absolutely love or have any passion for. Finding your way back to doing what you have an interest and passion for could be a major step forward towards finding fulfilment; but that’s just the beginning.

Like anything else, you have to apply yourself to that interest. Making the leap of faith is already hard enough, but you also have to commit time and resources to your decision. This can also be another roadblock that makes things difficult. You may find that there isn’t much time in your life for this commitment. The needs of your family may take priority. Your current job may take priority.

Time and resource is something you may find yourself struggling with; and for many people, they may end up abandoning this quest and going back to the comfort of what is known to them. They end up going back to being dissatisfied and unhappy because it is safe and known to them.

Finding fulfilment in life is difficult because there are many roadblocks we put in front of ourselves. Sometimes we aren’t brave enough (yet) to take a step forward, and sometimes, we take a step forward and run back to what is familiar. Still, don’t be dissuaded. Sometimes, the timing may simply not be right for you. You are the best judge for when you need to do something; but just remember that you are worth the effort.

Join us at College of Allied Educators to learn more about yourself, what motivates you, and how you can find happiness, meaning, and success in work, love, and life.

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