Self-reflection is something that is important to all of us as it allows us a window into our own thoughts, actions, and intentions. It is necessary for our personal growth and development. Otherwise we would end up thinking, saying, and repeating actions that ultimately may not benefit us or those we care about. Read more
counselling psychology
Are you hurting the people close to you?
People often think that it is strangers that are more likely to treat us badly, or be aggressive or dangerous to us; but the reality is, it is the people we know that are hurting us, and that we are hurting in return. Throughout the course of our lives we end up hurting those closest to us. These are the people we love and care about, yet we end up hurting them, and we can’t always come to grips with that. Read more
Is envy really bad?
Envy is often associated with negativity. For many people, envy ranks as one of the worst traits to have or be associated with. This emotion is so vilified that it’s completely understandable why so many people find it difficult to accept that it is a common and natural emotion. Read more
Is sadness a sign of unhappiness?
When we think about what happy people look like, we visualise people who might be living carefree, smiling, travelling, and just being happy-go-lucky. This is the image that is illustrated for us and it is incredibly effective in drawing a picture of what happiness is supposed to look like. Read more
How do you know you aren’t making things worse?
We have a tendency to want to help one another. This can be especially true for friends, relatives, and loved ones. It is a way of ensuring the people we care about are doing well and are happy. This is why friends and family confide in each other, often about very sensitive and personal topics. These can range from fears, doubts, relationship issues or other life concerns. A lot of times, we also share our achievements and happiness with each other. Read more
3 More benefits of Counselling
It is only in recent years that more people have given serious consideration to dealing with mental and emotional health. In a hectic place like Singapore, or any large metropolis, stress is a constant, and pressing matter that often negatively affects millions of people. These high stress environments where people are expected to perform and live up to expectations of material success has caused a generation of people to suffer in silence. Read more
Is there a healthy way to handle stress?
We know that there are two types of stress – ‘eustress’ or good stress, one that is beneficial and motivating, and ‘distress’ or bad stress, which cause anxiety and affect your overall health. Stress can come in the form of emotional, physical or mental stress. Read more
Is avoiding conflict always the best decision?
Some of the most common types of conflicts we will face in our lives are interpersonal conflicts. Interpersonal conflicts can happen between our family members, our partner, colleagues, or even strangers. We will all face this as a matter of course, even in our day to day interactions. Read more
How to tell when someone is in need
It may seem simple enough that we should know when someone needs help or attention, but is it really all that obvious?
Friends and family have a tendency to want to help one another, but people often are not very good at asking for help. They may not even know they need help, sometimes resorting to hiding their emotions for fear of appearing weak or needy. Sometimes they fear judgement from other people if they express themselves. Read more