Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Special Education

WSQ short courses, collaboration

WSQ Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Special Education is a 2-days (16 hrs) course for educators, teachers, parents, and caregivers. It aims to impart the knowledge and technique necessary for working with other services, professionals and volunteers.

You will learn the principles and applications of professional and ethical conduct as well as gain the ability to liaise with other service professionals to meet goals, objectives and activities of the teams.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Communicate using techniques for working with other services, professionals and volunteers.
  2. Describe the principles and applications of professional and ethical conduct.
  3. Contribute to the goals, and activities of the collaborative teams or network.
  4. Describe the Social service sector networks and forums.
  5. Identify the different multidisciplinary roles of social service professionals.
  6. Describe the roles and functions of professionals and stakeholders.
  7. Implement the workplace operations of collaborative teams.
  8. Describe the procedures to document and report workplace operations of collaborative teams.

Course duration

Training days: 2 days
Total training duration: 16 hours

  • 1 (Assessment Hours)
  • 15 (Classroom Training Hours)

The 2 days of lessons will be held on campus.

Entry requirements

  • Minimum age requirement: 16 years old
  • Completed secondary school education
  • English proficiency equivalent to the ES WSQ Workplace Literacy & Numeracy (WPLN) level 5.

Course fee & funding

Course Fee: $580
GST 9%: $52.20
Total Payable after GST: $632.20

  • Singaporeans/PR are entitled up to 70% of training grant from Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG)
  • Funding eligibility: PSEA | SFC | UTAP

Next intake: Contact us for monthly intake dates!

  • Course Period: 06 Jan & 13 Jan 2024


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