How do do I find happiness in an uncertain world?

How do do I find happiness in an uncertain world?

The global pandemic didn’t just bring disease, it has stopped major trade and businesses, cities and countries have shut down, and personal liberties that we once enjoyed have been temporarily curtailed. People have been faced with months of social isolation, experiencing anxiety over their future, and many may be facing financial difficulties.

Suffice to say, things are not looking good in the world right now. Read more

How do I handle trauma?

How do I handle trauma?

With the lock down being slowly lifted, there is a sense of relief that you can sense in people. After two or three months of people being stuck at home, most people have only had contact with their immediate family, or just their pets; and in the case of those who live alone, they have themselves.

During this period of lock down, no doubt many people had enough time to ruminate about their fears over money, their health and well-being, as well as uncertainty over their future and what is to come. Some may have been stuck with people they don’t get along with, or have faced domestic violence. So the easing of lock downs must come with some great degree of relief for millions of people across the country.

You might have sensed this great sigh of relief, and even excitement. You’ll be able to see your friends and colleagues, chit chat with people again, go to the store, go shopping, eat out, and slowly, try to rebuild your life so it goes back to being as normal as it once used to be.

At the same time, this is also when you might sense something off about people. Perhaps it is the way they are jumping too enthusiastically back into social life, trying to compensate for lost time and putting themselves at risk. Perhaps you are seeing your family and friends taking risks that they don’t need to take in public by meeting large groups of other people when they aren’t supposed to. Just as worrying may be the people you see who refuse to go back out because it’s still too dangerous. There may be people who may feel apathetic and couldn’t care about easing of restrictions.

It’s very possible that a lot of otherwise normal people with normal lives are going to be suffering some type of trauma even if they never displayed any symptoms of it during the lock down period. You might have already started to see this in those around you or your friends who you have talked via video chat or other means. This extended isolation and worldwide pandemic takes a mental and emotional toll on people and over time can change their views about the world, their community, and even change the way they think about themselves in terms of their place in the world and their mortality.

This trauma may not be easy to see because it is hidden behind every day behaviour that is otherwise normal. Wanting to see your friends and family is perfectly normal, but rushing to do so may be reckless.

Recklessness might be a sign that something is not right, or is it just pent up excitement?

Is someone deciding to be reclusive just a sign of continuing cautiousness or is it a deeper problem that needs to be looked into and addressed?

Join us at College of Allied Educators to learn more about how you can deal with trauma, conquer loneliness, and discover how you can help yourself overcome doubts, fears, disagreements, and challenges in order to build a happier, more meaningful life.

    Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology (PGDICP) is a counselling psychology course accredited by the Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC). The part-time Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology programme focuses on developing and enhancing experiential knowledge and skills through a holistic approach. Some of the subjects covered include Counselling Children, Addiction Intervention, Crisis Intervention, and Family Therapy.
    Diploma in Counselling Psychology (DCPSY) is a counselling course covering a range of conceptual and functional skills in counselling. It trains students to apply appropriate counselling psychology skills in different situations, and equips students with the ability to work effectively as a counsellor.


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I need help!

I need help!

People have now endured over 2 months of lockdowns and even longer adhering to social distancing rules. This has not come without personal cost. Some may be suffering from overwhelming anxiety about their future, health, or finance. Some people may lash out, while others may end up feeling intensely lonely and isolated. You may know people directly affected by some of all of these issues, and you may want to help them in some way.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “What if I am the one who needs help?” Read more

Can we feel lonely and isolated with people around?

Can we feel lonely and isolated with people around?

In the months of being cooped up at home, mental health professionals predicted an increase in the number of cases of domestic violence, loneliness, and depression. In Singapore, it looks like these predictions have turned up true, with many counselling centres receiving sustained increase in the number of calls from people seeking counselling. Other areas of concern include financial worries, and anxiety about an unstable or unknown future. Read more

Why do I feel so insecure about my finances?

Why do I feel so insecure about my finances?

One of the growing concerns over the last months has been about the economy taking a turn for the worse. With people isolated at home, many will be unable to work, and even those that are able to work may find themselves in a situation where their job is severely and negatively impacted. For example, people working in the tourism industry have essentially seen the entire industry collapse overnight. It’s understandable that people would fear the worse, as the worse has come true for them. Read more

Why do people lash out during a crisis?

Why do people lash out during a crisis?

A man has just lost his income due to uncertainty in the market or to a global pandemic destroying his industry. He comes home to his family, sad, distraught, and feeling like he’s failing them. He feels like a failure to himself.

He turns on the news, and there is no good news. It’s all bad. He knows he has no income, and he has a family to support. He doesn’t know where he is going to get money or food from. He’s anxious, scared, despondent, and short tempered. Read more

Are you having trouble coping & need someone to talk to?

Are you having trouble coping & need someone to talk to?

With the global pandemic, and subsequent lockdown of countries and economies, daily life has changed for many people.  It has become much more uncertain and unpredictable. People may be worried about their health, mortality, and may be facing fears over losing their job, or even where their next meal will come from. Read more