Love is one of the most beautiful experiences in life, but also one of the most elusive and filled with disappointment and heartache; even for those who seem to have a lot of love. Despite the difficulties, the pursuit of love is also a journey of self-discovery and growth; one that has the potential to transform us in profound ways.
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Can we find happiness externally?
For some people, it may be obvious that happiness is something that can really only be found internally. For most others, there may be some nagging suspicion that this may be true, yet we still spend our lives chasing happiness externally. If that is the case, there must be something more to it.
Can we really find happiness externally?
Read moreCan positive thinking improve your life?
Positive thinking can be a pretty powerful in transforming your life, but not everyone is convinced. In many cases, people think it is modern day mystical mumbo-jumbo or associated with self-help scams.
Despite that, can positive thinking improve your life?
Read moreWhose shoulder do you lean on?
You may have noticed that you’re the type of person people turn to when they need someone to talk to or are trying to sort through a difficult emotional period of their life. If everyone is turning to you, then whose shoulder do you lean on?
Read moreHave you been inspired lately?
Inspiration is the feeling of enthusiasm that makes you want to do something meaningful and creative. It’s a feeling that comes relatively often for some people while for others, it may come once in a blue moon. Regardless, everyone is inspired at some point.
Read moreIs it time to move forward?
If you’ve been dwelling on wanting to do something new for some time now, it’s probably a good time to consider if it’s the right time for you to do something about it.
Read moreHow do I get up & get started?
Getting started, as they say, is one of the most difficult things anyone can do. Is there some magical thing that allows some people to get started more easily than others?
Read moreHow do you beat the blues?
No matter how good things are, it’s not entirely possible to feel happy all the time. Feeling sad and feeling down can happen from time to time as your mood can fluctuate. That’s perfectly normal, but what happens when you’re blue for too long?
Read moreIs it beneficial for you to help others?
If you are the type of person that people always turn to for help, or you find yourself involved with helping other people, it may have crossed your mind at some point that it can be tiring and draining. In many instances, their emotions can even transfer and affect you due to your high level of empathy and sympathy.
Read moreWhat does it mean to find yourself?
You’ve likely heard people say they need to find themselves. Perhaps you’ve even said it yourself, but what does it really mean to find yourself?
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