The global pandemic didn’t just bring disease, it has stopped major trade and businesses, cities and countries have shut down, and personal liberties that we once enjoyed have been temporarily curtailed. People have been faced with months of social isolation, experiencing anxiety over their future, and many may be facing financial difficulties.
Suffice to say, things are not looking good in the world right now.For many of us, we have big and small plans for the future, with personal and professional goals to be met. We may be planning on finishing school, getting married, or simply planning for a day off together with the family after long period of work and stress. Some may be planning months long vacations to exotic locations, or to see different parts of the world and experience different cultures. These are things that bring us some measure of happiness, and how many of us have lived our lives to believe.
With all the isolation, border closures, and still uncertain future, all of this no longer looks or feels possible. Things look bleak, desolate, and there seems to be no end in sight. Happiness may feel like a distant memory and a fool’s quest at this point, but is it really?
Happiness is an on-going process that we constantly work on. It is as much a mindset as it is a perspective or feeling. It is also a state we enter.
One of the steps that we need to take to stay in a state of happiness is that we need to accept that it will likely end at some point, and we will be sad, hurt, or depressed, and we will go through difficulties. This may seem counter-intuitive, but by giving up the fight against negative feelings during these times, we can focus more time on what brings us joy and fulfillment instead.
We have to remember that happiness is also a choice.
Happiness as a choice
We choose our happiness, and we choose our misery just the same. For most of us, happiness is a daily choice, or even hourly. During the course of the day, we react. It’s a typical human behavior, but we often do not think about our reaction. Making a choice to be happy means we stop, think about our reactions and choices, and decide to be happy, or to not let someone upset us, or to deal with the issue later. It’s a conscious choice, and it will take effort and time to practice it, but soon happiness will become a habit, a natural reaction to life.
This applies in our current predicament as well. We can choose to react to our circumstances or we can find a positive spin and focus to it. For example, many fathers are expressing that they feel much closer to their children and family when once, all they knew was work and their career.
We can see that amidst all this negative, we can find something positive to put our focus on.
There may be a lot wrong with the world right now, but we are not totally obligated to give in to all the negative forces in our life.
Join us at College of Allied Educators to learn more about how you can learn more about how to overcome these difficult times, and how you can help yourself overcome doubts, fears, disagreements, and challenges in order to build a happier, more meaningful life.
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