How do I help children with communication and speech disorder?

How do I help children with communication and speech disorder?

For many people, communicating with others is an easy and effortless task. For children with communication and speech disorder, they might have a hard time receiving, processing, sending and comprehending verbal and nonverbal communication.

Young children with communication and speech disorders may not speak at all, or have limited vocabulary for their age. By the time they enter school, they can speak but in a limited and diminished capacity for their age and development. This results in them falling behind their peers in speech and language skills.

They will have difficulty engaging peer group conversations and giving them less opportunity to acquire the necessary social skills. If left untreated, further complications will arise by the time they pass their teens and enter adulthood.

Join us for our Professional Certificate in Speech Therapy Assistant programme.

This 6-months* part-time Professional Certificate in Speech Therapy Assistant (PCSTA) programme is designed to train potential Speech Therapy Assistants to support children and adults with communication and swallowing disorders or ailments.

You will gain the tools to assist in the assessment, screening and treatment of communication and speech disorders to help affected children and adults gain their independence and improve the quality of their lives.


Understanding Articulation and Phonological Disorders

  • Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
  • Communication Disorders
  • Articulation Disorders
  • Phonological Disorders
  • Motor Speech Disorders
  • Emotional and Social Effects

Working with Articulation and Phonological Disorders

  • Assessment and Screening
  • Treatment of Oral-Structural and Functional Disorders
  • Treatment of Phonological Disorders
  • Treatment of Articulation Disorders

Professional Certificate in Speech Therapy Assistant

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