How will a learning disability impact my child?

How will a learning disability impact my child?

There is a lot to understand about learning disabilities, and some of it is not always so obvious, and sometimes we make assumptions that may not be true. When a child is diagnosed with a learning disability, it’s often assumed this will greatly affect their ability to learn. In some sense it may be true, but this is not always the case.

When diagnosed early enough, the effects of the child’s learning disability can be mitigated with the proper intervention strategies and the right education for both the child, parent, and educator.

How learning disabilities may affect the child depend entirely on the severity and the type of learning disability.

A dyslexic child may deal with these issues:

  • Trouble with forming new words,
  • Not remember names, numbers, colours.
  • Reading below their age level.

A child with dyscalculia may deal with these issues:

  • May struggle with memorizing numbers,
  • Have trouble telling time, days, weeks, or months,
  • May have trouble with counting.

Though symptoms and effects vary, In many cases they also overlap. For example, a child with dyslexia or dyscalculia may have difficulty with solving word problems and both may have issues dealing with symbols.

The good news is that there are many solid intervention strategies to deal with the different types of learning disabilities. In some cases they may use drawings and pictures, in others, they may use mnemonics devices to help the child better grasp the sequence of things. With the right strategy and education plan, many children with learning disabilities can still effectively learn and keep up with their peers.

Join us at College of Allied Educators to see how you can develop an understanding of the different types of exceptional children, their needs, and the different special needs programmes and specialities that are available to you, for them.

CAE’s 12-month Advanced Diploma in Special Education course trains educators and parents in the identification, diagnosis and treatment of these needs and the basic principles and practices of effective teaching and learning. The programme is highly practice-oriented to ensure that what you learn in class can be applied to children with special needs under your charge.

CAE’s Diploma in Learning Disorders Management & Child Psychology programme is designed specifically to train potential teachers, parents and caregivers to identify, detect and support children with special needs, such as Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyspraxia, and Dyslexia.


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