Overcoming distractions can improve your life!

Overcoming distractions can improve your life!

Overcoming the distractions we face may be an important part of how we can improve our life. It’s a tad easy to say that, but I think it’s crucial to look at what those distractions may be and how they’re hindering our progress and development.

Distractions can be anything and can be quite broad. They could be the hobbies that you spend too much time and money on, or they could be spending too much time in front of the phone, computer, or television. They are, essentially, things that take up and occupy your time.

These distractions aren’t inherently bad. For example, taking the time to spend on your hobbies can have great emotional and mental benefits. They start interfering in our lives when they start becoming the only thing we care about or spend any amount of time on. For example, you may put off doing your chores to spend more time on your hobbies.

Human behaviour being what they are, this can quickly spiral out of control and these distractions may end up taking control of your time, effort, and even finances. When that happens, your responsibilities start to suffer, and your goals in life start to take a backseat. In many cases, it saps energy and enthusiasm away from things you want to achieve for yourself and your life. They distract you from important things.

When you’re in it though, you don’t ever really think about how it’s impacting you. You’re just doing things, and it never occurs to you that you might be going overboard. This happens to the best of us. It’s happened to most of us. I can’t help but think that, maybe, in some way, it might be a way to get out of responsibility, or just escapism from the monotony of everyday activities.

The thing is that you could certainly use work and responsibilities as an excuse to delay having to actually build and develop yourself and your life. You see this in a lot of workaholics where they allow their personal life to take a backseat. Some people use these things as a way to hide from other areas of their life. That’s not good either.

What we’re really trying to get at is that there must be a balance that you have to find that will allow you to build out different areas of your life, so you are productive and have the means and inclination to take care of these various aspects of yourself. If we spend too much time doing just the one thing, then other parts of our life will suffer for it. When that happens, it can create a vicious cycle that drags you down, and you may never even see it coming.

  • Are you doing too much of something?
  • Are you not doing enough of something?
  • Are you happy with how different areas of your life are developing?
  • If not, can you identify how you can distribute your time and effort better to improve your situation?

It’s worth taking the time to think about what’s distracting and stopping you from becoming who it is you want to be.

Join us at College of Allied Educators to learn more about yourself, what motivates you, and how you can find happiness, meaning, and success in work, love, and life.

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