Why is Play Therapy effective for children?

Why is Play Therapy effective for children?

If you have ever tried to help loved ones experiencing prolonged, acute stress or someone trying to deal with a past traumatic experience, you may have noticed and realised that talking to them doesn’t seem to yield much success. These issues can so deeply affect people that verbalising them may be so difficult that it no longer becomes an option.

Children experiencing trauma are particularly vulnerable as they do not have the means to understand what is happening, how to process the trauma, and their ability to vocalise and communicate their trauma may be limited or non-existent. They are too young to have developed the coping mechanisms to deal with their trauma or stress. Read more

Are you ready to be a special needs educator in 2023?

Are you ready to be a special needs educator in 2023?

As the year ends and the new year looms on the horizon, you may have been thinking about what you plan to do with yourself going into 2023.

If you are considering a career switch to doing something more meaningful with your career, or currently dealing with exceptional children, or have a calling to work with them, you will need to be specially trained!  You will need to understand the different types of exceptional children and all their intellectual, emotional and physical disabilities. 

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