How do I cope with isolation?
Isolation is rarely ever good or pleasant, but sometimes isolation is necessary. We tend to self-isolate when we are sick or when we are feeling down or melancholic. The problem is that we weren’t made to be isolated. Humans are social and we need human to human interaction on a regular basis to stay mentally and emotionally healthy. Isolation tends to have terrible effects on people physically and mentally. Read more
How does fear affect me?
Most people are fearful of something. It can be as broad as the fear of death, fear of failure, or even as specific as a fear of a particular creepy-crawly. There are some fears that are phobias caused by past traumatic events, such as claustrophobia. Read more
Have you ever felt like hiding from the world?
Every now and then, we get the urge to hide and isolate ourselves from the world. It’s not an uncommon fantasy to entertain the possibility of hiding out in some secluded place where nobody can bother us, and where the burdens on our shoulders are no longer necessary or existent.
There’s a reason why people want to escape and hide from the world. Read more
How are we supposed to handle disappointment?
What if I never find love?
The need to find love is so fundamental to people that it is safe to say most people have said this out loud, have thought it, or have heard someone they know say it. This fear of not finding a romantic partner, and love, is also a fear of being alone, of being left out, and being unwanted. It is much more complex than just a fear that we won’t find love. Read more
Is fear of commitment a real issue?
We are social by nature. This means that we naturally gravitate towards other people, seek their approval and acceptance, and we form bonds of relationship with other people. In fact, our psychological and emotional well-being is linked with the health of our relationships, and our ability to maintain those relationships. Read more
How do I overcome my fear of failure?
Fear of failure is a big issue that many people have to face.
A survey by the social network Linkagoal found that 31% of adults feared failure.
It would be easy to assume that more people fear spiders, snakes, or even the supernatural. However, the fear of failure ranks higher than these other fears. People are just afraid of failing.
Failing has such a negative connotation that self-help gurus, books, and videos have been dedicated to learning how to deal with failure. That the stigma remains is a testament to how potent and universal this fear is.
Does the fear of failure hold people back?
Fear is an unpleasant feeling. It can come over us in waves, and prevent us from thinking clearly and rationally, or it can slowly creep up on us over time and prevent us from making the right long term decisions.