Some of the most common types of conflicts we will face in our lives are interpersonal conflicts. Interpersonal conflicts can happen between our family members, our partner, colleagues, or even strangers. We will all face this as a matter of course, even in our day to day interactions. Read more
How to tell when someone is in need
It may seem simple enough that we should know when someone needs help or attention, but is it really all that obvious?
Friends and family have a tendency to want to help one another, but people often are not very good at asking for help. They may not even know they need help, sometimes resorting to hiding their emotions for fear of appearing weak or needy. Sometimes they fear judgement from other people if they express themselves. Read more
How do we let go of our negative thoughts and feelings?
How good is your conflict resolution skill?
When does a conflict turn unhealthy?
Interpersonal conflicts are common, and happen between people for various reasons. It can be an argument or disagreement over how things should be done, accountability, or simply due to misunderstanding. Read more
3 Benefits of counselling
The modern world is a hectic place with many complexities that can be seen and unseen. If you live in a big city like New York, Hong Kong, or Singapore, the pace of life can be incredibly fast and uncompromising. An environment where expectations are high, and where you are expected to perform, do well for your job, and your family/yourself can cause a great deal of stress. Read more
Is listening as important as speaking?
The ability to speak well and verbalise meaning, intent, and feelings is incredibly important. It is how we transmit ideas, thoughts, and feelings to people around us. The better we are able to express ourselves verbally, the better we are at making ourselves understood.
The ability to listen well is just as important as speaking, and sometimes overlooked. Listening is how we are able to accept someone’s speech and intent, and listening well is how we are able to properly understand what the other person is saying. Both verbal communication, and listening are skills to be mastered. Read more
Is there a way to use stress to our own advantage?
Many of us feel stress because we are in a hurry. We are faced with this mental schedule which must be achieved by a certain time; obtain your degree, work in a big successful company, get married and have kids. We get upset at ourselves and blame it on stress for failing to meet our goals. But does stress really deter us from realizing our goals? Read more
Can anxiety overwhelm people?
Anxiety is an emotion that leads to excessive fear, worry, and apprehension. It’s perfectly normal to experience fear, worry, or apprehension, and doesn’t require too much attention to resolving. These are temporary feelings. However, prolonged anxiety can become a huge problem for a lot of people, either due to mental illness or prolonged exposure to a negative situation and environment. A lot of times, people don’t even know exactly why they feel this way. Read more
Is shame avoidable?
Shame can be an uncomfortable feeling. It is a painful form of vulnerability that can take a toll on us physically, psychologically and emotionally. Shame can make us believe that we are flawed, thereby creating a barrier between ourselves and people or situations because we feel unwanted and unworthy of their love and attention.
There are different types of shame; self-inflicted or caused by external factors. The common incidences that lead to shame, such as accidentally spilling a drink on yourself in public or being reprimanded by your superior in front of your colleagues, are minor. However, should the shame become too intense and toxic where it affects your mental state, it is advisable for you to address the issue or seek professional help. Read more