Parents have a critical role in special education

Parents have a critical role in special education

After a child has been diagnosed with a learning disorder or other disabilities, early intervention may be necessary to help the child develop to their capabilities. Individual education plans may be developed that are tailored to the child’s specific needs to help correct for the learning disorder, whether it is dyslexia, dyspraxia, or other disorders.

While this is developed, parents still play an important role in the child’s positive development and success of the programme.

Parents are the best advocate for their child.

  • They know the patterns of their child.
  • They know what triggers the child and what attracts and holds their attention.
  • They know the general temperament of the child and their learning habits.
  • They facilitate understanding between the educators and the child.

Without parental involvement, any intervention is made all the more difficult. The child often may not be able to communicate their frustrations and concerns properly, and they may not always know what’s going on around them. While individual intervention programmes can be effective, especially with early diagnosis, it is the parent’s understanding of their child, their input and care for their child that helps to make any intervention and education programme a success.

Find out how you can learn more about ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and other common learning disorders; and learn how to develop individual intervention programmes to help children reach their potential. College of Allied Educators offers our Diploma in Learning Disorders Management & Child Psychology programme to help you understand your child or the child in your care to more effectively help in their learning and development.


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