What can I do at home with my child?

What can I do at home with my child?

With school out and your child at home with more time on their hands, you may be wondering what activities you can do with your special needs child that can keep them busy, engaged, and learning.

There is a tendency for people to think that the activities they do with their children must be something specifically educational, and that playing games and having fun must be out of the question. However, play is very important for the child’s development. It is one of the important way that children learn and develop. Read more

Are children with ADHD always disruptive?

Are children with ADHD always disruptive?
When people talk about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it can conjure up images of children misbehaving, being overly energetic, and being disruptive in class, home, or in public. It is a common imagery and misconception about people with ADHD. While it is can be true that children with ADHD can be disruptive, it is not always the cases that they are.

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Why is my child not interested in reading?

Why is my child not interested in reading?
Along with speech and language, reading is one of the markers of progress and success that parents typically look for in their child’s development. The problem is that the ability to read can vary widely between children, with some being able to read as young as 4 years old, or as late as 7 years old. That is a long time to worry if your child hasn’t learned to read, and even if they can read, some children simply do not have any interest in reading.

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What are the symptoms of Dyspraxia?

What are the symptoms of Dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia is a neurological condition that affects a child’s physical coordination and movement. It’s also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder, and is not one of the common disorders you would typically hear about. As a result, children with Dyspraxia may often be misdiagnosed or their symptoms may simply be ignored outright.

This can be unfortunate as early treatment can help the child better overcome the disorder.

Here are some possible signs of Dyspraxia: Read more