Do you know what dyscalculia is?

Do you know what dyscalculia is?

Many people have heard of Dyslexia but may have never heard of Dyscalculia.

Dyscalculia is sometimes referred to as the math disorder. It’s a condition where those affected have severe difficulties in making arithmetic calculations. While Dyslexia tends to affect more boys than girls, Dyscalculia seems to affect boys and girls equally. Read more

Professional Certificate in Speech Therapy Assistant

Professional Certificate in Speech Therapy Assistant

Join us for the Professional Certificate in Speech Therapy Assistant programme and gain the tools to assist in the assessment, screening and treatment of communication and speech disorders to help affected children and adults gain their independence and improve the quality of their lives. Read more

Is dyslexia easy to spot?

Is dyslexia easy to spot?

Your child may be doing well in school. They may even be a model student. As a parent and educator, this is always a good sign that the child is developing well and learning.

As the child progresses, you start to see signs of trouble. Their school performance drops significantly; seemingly overnight. The child is having to read and reread because they don’t know what they’re reading. The child is starting to miss out on homework and assignments when previously they were so responsible. Read more

What’s the difference between ADD & ADHD?

What’s the difference between ADD & ADHD?

You might have heard people mention ADD and ADHD in normal conversation. ADD and ADHD are in common use in the population but do people really know what they mean? Do you know the difference between ADD and ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition where the person may be hyperactive, impulsive, and lack the ability to control their immediate impulses. Children with ADHD usually display signs very early on in their childhood, with symptoms that range from: Read more

The Benefits of Speech Therapy

The Benefits of Speech Therapy

There are many benefits of speech therapy for children with communications difficulties or swallowing disorders. Speech therapy helps to exercise the muscles involved with speech in order to strengthen the child’s ability to speak coherently. It helps the child properly express themselves, their feelings, and ideas. Read more

The Challenges of parenting a special needs child

The Challenges of parenting a special needs child

Parenting a child with special needs is challenging. It requires extra effort in time, awareness, and education. These considerations will be quite different from one child to the next because ‘special needs’ is used as an umbrella term to encompass anything from light learning disabilities to more severe behaviour issues. Proper diagnoses ensure parents will be focussing on the right methods and activities for their child. Read more

Stages of your child’s speech & language development

Stages of your child’s speech & language development

If you are unsure about how your child’s speech and language is developing because they may appear to be unresponsive to vocal cues, or seem to be taking longer than their peers to speak in full sentences, the natural reaction may be to think the child might have speech and language delay. This may not always be the case. Read more

Will Inclusive Education be effective for my child?

Will Inclusive Education be effective for my child?

Inclusive education allows age appropriate exceptional students to attend regular schools with their peers instead of special education schools. It has been around for decades and implemented across many different countries to some success. There are several benefits to an inclusive education for the exceptional child. Read more