What are the stages of your child’s speech & language development?

What are the stages of your child’s speech & language development?

If you are unsure about how your child’s speech and language is developing because they may appear to be unresponsive to vocal cues, or seem to be taking longer than their peers to speak in full sentences, the natural reaction may be to think the child might have speech and language delay. This may not always be the case.

Here are some things you need to know

In most instances, children develop along a progressive schedule with generally predictable milestones.

0-5 months:

  • Responds to sources of sound or voices
  • Makes cooing noises or displays sounds associated with emotions like laughter.

6-11 months:

  • Uses gestures
  • Attempts to repeat words of adults
  • starts babbling

12-17 months:

  • Is able to follow simple directions
  • Attempts to imitate full words
  • Starts to understand and answer basic questions non-verbally

18-23 months:

  • Has a vocabulary of up to a dozen words
  • Can ask for common things by name
  • Can pronounce vowels properly and starts using other sounds

2-3 years:

  • Understands and uses “you,” “I,” “me,” and other pronouns
  • Starts forming multiple words into a phrase or short sentence
  • Has ability to verbally reply to simply questions

3-4 years:

  • Speak at a level that strangers should be able to understand
  • Can express their feelings and thoughts
  • Able to repeat and convey whole sentences

Contact us to see how you can develop an understanding of the different types of exceptional children, their needs, and the different special needs programmes and specialties that are available to you, for them.

CAE’s 12-months Advanced Diploma in Special Education course trains educators and parents in the identification, diagnosis and treatment of these needs and the basic principles and practices of effective teaching and learning. The programme is highly practice-oriented to ensure that what you learn in class can be applied to children with special needs under your charge.

CAE’s Diploma in Learning Disorders Management & Child Psychology programme is designed specifically to train potential teachers, parents and caregivers to identify, detect and support children with special needs, such as Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyspraxia, and Dyslexia.


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