What are the stages of a child’s language development?

What are the stages of a child’s language development?

If you are unsure about how your child’s speech and language is developing because they may appear to be unresponsive to vocal cues or seem to be taking longer than their peers to speak in full sentences, the natural reaction may be to think the child might have speech and language delay. This may not always be the case.

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How do I get more involved with my child’s development?

How do I get more involved with my child’s development?

As a parent, you probably already spend a lot of time with your child; but if your instinct is to be even more involved, you may be on to something. Beyond just the time that parents spend with their child, the parent’s emotional involvement in a child’s development can be crucial to how the child develops emotionally, psychologically, socially.

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How do I get my child to communicate more?

How do I get my child to communicate more?

Communication is an important part of any child’s development. The better and more often your child can communicate, the more likely they will be able to convey their needs and emotions to you. When they are unable to properly convey their feelings, thoughts, and needs, they may end up acting out, may become disruptive, or even take that frustration out on themselves. It is essential to guide children so they learn how to better communicate with you, and their peers.

Getting a child to open up can sometimes be difficult. Pressing the child with questions is counterproductive as it triggers their self defence mechanism. When the child does not open up, they are more difficult to teach and learning opportunities diminish.

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How do I get past my feeling of guilt?

How do I get past my feeling of guilt?

Guilt is a powerful emotion. It is described as a self-conscious emotion where you evaluate yourself to have failed at something. It is usually accompanied by feelings of anxiety and distress. For some, they can end up carrying around their guilt for years, while the anxiety, distress, and negative self-judgement can end up degrading quality of relationships, career, and life in general. Getting past it can be really difficult.

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