Do you appreciate the people around you?

Do you appreciate the people around you?

Relationships often go on autopilot after a while. Honeymoon phases end and a certain routine sets in. It’s just one of those facts of life; but for some it can be the beginning of the end of the relationship. One thing that can help keep a relationship alive and vital is appreciation. By appreciating the people around you, and learning how to appreciate yourself, you can keep a happy and healthy relationship going; whether it is a romantic relationship or a friendship. Read more

What if they don’t know they need help?

What if they don’t know they need help?

Sometimes we see those around us going through tough times, perhaps struggling with things happening in their life and having issues coming to terms with it. When it is someone we don’t know very well, we may be much more careful about offering help, but for those closest to us, our friends and family, we may often feel a sense of duty and responsibility to help them. Read more

Are you able to appreciate yourself?

Are you able to appreciate yourself?

Relationships often go on autopilot after a while. Honeymoon phases end and a certain routine sets in. It is quite normal, but for some it can be the beginning of the end of the relationship. One thing that can help keep a relationship alive and vital is appreciation. By learning how to appreciate your partner, and also yourself, you can keep a happy and healthy relationship going. Read more

Is arguing good for your relationship?

Is arguing good for your relationship?

Couples argue; sometimes they argue very heatedly. It will happen at some point for all relationships. Disagreements, and working through them is a part of being in a committed relationship with someone. The problem comes when the fights do not solve anything, when they get mean, and when they go off topic. Read more

Can you overcome loneliness?

Can you overcome loneliness?

Picture sitting alone in a restaurant, watching everyone else around you. Imagine wanting to go out even to the movies but having no one to go with. Or just think of leaving work and going back to the same empty home night after night. For many this is life, and they live with the pain of loneliness.

Loneliness may just be a feeling and a state of mind, but it has the potential to impact every area of a person’s life as the pain and sadness that comes with it sets in. You have to find a way through it somehow. Many resort to cynicism and retreating but it is almost universal to all people that they need some social interaction. Read more